Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Tomorrow Sunday July 6 First Day as Bishop Yikes!

Today we did a Spanish Temple Session. It was great to listen to Spanish again. It took me back to Madrid and the Mission.

Brittany is doing much better. She's not kipping things almost controlling her sugar intake and her skin seems to be clearing. We'll just keep drinking the water because we have seen great benefits when we eat alkaline and drink 9.5 alkaline water.

My Sis Dene is recovering from her surgery and doing much better this week. She will be ready for her son's Farewell and going back to work. Go Dene!!!

We are missing Sean and Sonja, Denney and Jonnie, Vaughn (whom we rarely see because he's a YSA and busy), Todd and Lisa, Tauni and Eric, Pete and Cynthia and all who have moved away from us. Dale and Raina are still around and come over often. Raina is going to have a Birthday soon which should be fun. We enjoy our time with them.

As Bishop Eames and I get into this Bishop thing, I'm sure we will be having lots of kids here and lots of activity to make-up for our missing children and grandchildren. However, we will always miss our family and will go visit as much as possible. At the end of the month, we'll be going to Calif. to see Tauni and Eric's Family.

We're so excited that Sean and Sonja found cousins in Alabama and went to dinner there already. I'm getting more comfortable with this blogging. I hope you're getting it. Suzy

Friday, July 4, 2008

Moving and Mixing

Wow! We've been here 2 months! We had Denney's Birthday in May when Jonnie surprised him and flew him to AZ to visit family as a big 40th Birthday Surprise. He was really surprised!

Sean and Sonja got a job in Huntsville Alabama so they were with us for a week in June while they were moving out of their house. Dad went and cleaned their yard which was a huge service. I hung out with the kids which was fun for me while they moved and moved getting everything packed up and in pods. They both got a Father's Blessing from Dad before they left. They have now arrived safely so things are going well for them.

Just before they left, the Stake President called us into his office. Dad was called to become a Bishop and lead the Young Single Adult Ward, The Gable Ward. This is going to be a growing time for the two of us. We're excited.

Jonnie and Kids arrived on Sunday the 29th to come to the ordination and setting apart. We all met in the Stake High Counsel Rm at the Stake Center. It was great to have Jonnie, her kids and Vaughn, Brittany and myself in attendance. Dale and Raina ended up in the hospital emergency with sick kids and Todd's family went to Mexico for a week. Cynthia & Pete's family is in SLC and Tauni, Eric are in Calif., Sean and Sonja in Alabama and Denney was still in Illinois. Our family here in the valley is shrinking.

My sister Dene had an operation so I spent the day in the hospital with her until she came out and was settled in her room. Something in the hospital vents gave me vertigo so the Lord really created a miracle for me and helped me get well for the ordination and setting apart.

Our first Sunday was very exciting. All the old wives and counselors spoke and the new ones spoke. It was a lot of fun getting to know everyone. This will be a great fun calling. We just love young single adults and I guess the Lord wants us there because when we moved to Casa Grande our calling was Young Single Adult Leaders.

It is great being back in the valley closer to family and cousins. Brittany, Bart and I needed the break to sort of rest from the mission and to help Brittany heal. She is 100% better than she was when we got home from the mission. Soon I will have her hooked up with DDD again and off and running with her friends and exercizing.

Time is flying and we have been home from the mission almost a year. It has been a challenging adjustment. It seems that my first mission was easier to adjust from than this one. Maybe it is because I had parents who helped me have a house to come home to and wheels to get me set up in school. Then I could have a scheduled life of a student. I'm sure that we will get real scheduled and busy with this new calling and forget our post mission challenges.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Just Practicing.

We are still moving into our Dolphin house and having parties as we move in. It is great to be in Mesa and not spend so much money in gas. I'm just learning how to blog so I'm practicing.